Martes, Oktubre 20, 2015

Layering Areas Rugs to Create Trendy Home Designs

area rugs san diego Area rugs can be used as a decorating tool to enhance the beauty of a home. Many homeowners are discovering the secrets of layering area rugs to create the stylish décor they desire. Layering can be used to help define an area, highlight certain aspects of a room or add contrast by mixing and matching patterns and textures.  By experimenting with various ideas, homeowners can create a unique home décor that reflects their personality and character. The following tips may be helpful in purchasing area rugs San Diego to enhance your home design.

Choose Color Scheme

area rugs san diego The look of layered rugs is more appealing when colors complement one another and don’t compete with existing furniture.  Neutral colors work best for larger rugs as they’re easy to mix and match with smaller, colorful rug designs. Natural area rugs made of such materials as jute, seagrass or sisal make excellent bases for layering.

Mix and Match Textures

Layering rugs gives homeowners an opportunity to add character and depth to a room by mixing and matching textures. The rugs should balance one another to achieve the desired results. Before investing in specific rug patterns or designs, homeowners should consider what they want to accomplish by their efforts and how layering will contribute to their décor. Rug proportions are important when layering as proportions affect the overall results. Large neutral rugs work best as bases when put together with a rug that’s slightly smaller in size as it creates a more pleasing design.

area rugs san diego

Consider Rug Shapes and Patterns

By experimenting with different rug patterns and shapes, homeowners can come up with one-of-a-kind designs. Overlapping small oriental rugs can give the impression of one large rug with unique patterns. Choosing rugs with the same color scheme helps maintain balance and keeps rugs from competing with each other or existing décor.  At the same time, homeowners can choose to mix and match shapes to highlight an area or rug design. A colorful round rug, for example, placed over a neutral base in a living room can be used to highlight a coffee table or act as its own focal point in the room’s design.

area rugs san diego

Layering area rugs is an art that’s worth learning to enhance the beauty of a home’s décor. In addition to adding aesthetic appeal, area rugs contribute to a home in many practical ways, making them a worthwhile investment.

Biyernes, Oktubre 2, 2015

Area Rugs Protect Hardwood Floors and Add Extra Features

Hardwood floors have boomed in popularity over the last several years, but it has become apparent that they're fairly weak against the demands of foot traffic. One of the easiest ways to lower the need for refinishing is to put area rugs over the parts that get the most use. This protects the floor in a way that beautifies the room at the same time.

area rugs san diego

There are a few things to think about when choosing area rugs San Diego hardwood protection. The first is the matter of safety. Finished hardwood persian rugs San Diego is very slippery, so the wrong kind of rug will work like a banana peel. To stop this, use a non-slip rug backing. These can be separate sheets or be made as part of the rug. Don't permanently stick the rug to the floor if the hardwood is still in good shape.

The next issue to consider is the condition of the floor. If it looks great, it may be best to take the rugs up during special events so that the wood's beauty can be seen. If this is in the plan, choose rugs that are small enough to easily roll up and store. A worn-out floor, on the other hand, looks better if it remains covered. In that case, use a big rug that covers everything but the nice-looking edges of the floor.

A rug's other purposes are also important. They'll all protect the floor from foot traffic and provide a covering, but some may be used for other reasons on top of those. For example, an contemporary rugs san diego area rug in the family room may be sat on by kids playing video games. One in the bedroom may be added to provide a warm surface for bare feet. An ornate rug can be used as a focal point in an upscale dining room. The list goes on.

When choosing a rug for one of these extra purposes, it's important to look for specific characteristics. The one that'll be used by kids should be washable or at least stain resistant. One used for warmth should have deep pile. Ornate, upscale options are almost never easily washable, so care in placement is important.

round rugs San Diego

Keeping all of these factors in mind will make it easy to get a rug that does more than cover up a hardwood floor. In fact, the rug buyer may find that the end result is better than the bare wood in more ways than one.